Wind Breaker Season 1″ is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Satoru Ni. The series began its serialization on Kodansha’s Magazine Pocket website in January 2021. By January 2025, it had been compiled into 20 tankōbon volumes. In 2024, an anime adaptation was released, quickly gaining popularity for its captivating story, impressive animation, and compelling characters.
Plot Overview
The story follows Haruka Sakura, a first-year transfer student at Furin High School, a school notorious for valuing physical strength over academics. Haruka, who had been ostracized in his early years due to his unconventional appearance and lack of social skills, becomes a skilled fighter, finding pride in his strength. His ambition is to become the strongest at Furin.
Before enrolling, Haruka engages in a street brawl and unexpectedly earns the support of future classmates who fight alongside him. They reveal that Furin’s true mission is to protect the town of Makochi, referring to themselves as “Bofurin.” The support from his classmates and the admiration from the townspeople introduce Haruka to a new sense of belonging. Through this, he embarks on a journey of personal growth and begins to understand the value of camaraderie and fighting for others.
Main Characters
- Haruka Sakura: Haruka is a first-year transfer student at Furin High School, distinguished by her heterochromia, with different colors in her hair and eyes. Initially isolated due to her unique appearance and lack of social skills, Haruka becomes a formidable fighter. Despite her stubborn demeanor, she has a strong sense of justice and is occasionally swayed by romance.
- Katsutoshi Umemiya: Katsutoshi is a third-year student and the leader of Furin High School. Though he holds a leadership position, Katsutoshi is cheerful and has a passion for gardening, a trait that often puzzles Haruka. He is also the protective adoptive brother of Kotoha.
- Kiyoshi Nirei: A first-year student and Haruka’s right-hand man, Kiyoshi isn’t particularly strong but is knowledgeable about delinquents from other schools. He is often seen with his trusty notebook and pen, ready to jot down notes.
- Katsuragi Suo: Another first-year student at Furin, Suo also becomes one of Haruka’s closest allies. Known for wearing an eyepatch, Suo has a calm fighting style and a sharp sense of humor.
“Wind Breaker” offers an enthralling mix of action, personal growth, and camaraderie. With its well-crafted story and dynamic characters, it has captivated a broad audience, both in its manga form and through its anime adaptation. The series’ ability to balance intense action with meaningful character development makes it a standout in its genre, resonating with fans around the world.